Households of Bohai Gorbatka walled town

Gelman E.I.



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The results of excavations on the territory of the Gorbatka walled town became the basis of the research into the economic activity of the early medieval population in the valley of the Ilistaya River (Primorye). The site represents the remains of a large administrative center of the Bohai state (698–926 AD). The purpose of the research is to clarify the role of households in the stable functioning of Gorbatka within the administrative-territorial system of Bohai for a long time. To implement a comprehensive study of the excavated dwellings and adjacent spaces, stratigraphic and planigraphic methods, the method of water flotation and separation were used, a geological survey was carried out, also botanical remains, bones of terrestrial mammals and fish, and mollusk shells were analyzed. The inhabitants of the households had diversified subsistence economy, in which the leading role belonged to agriculture. Hunting, fishing, collecting wild plants and shellfish, and home crafts (bone carving, weaving, woodworking, stone working, production of hand-made pottery) provided main resources needed for survival. Furthermore, the households specialized in non-ferrous metalworking, and possibly small-scale repair of iron products. However, the smelting of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and the production of wheel-made pottery took place in specialized workshops outside households. The lacking food (sea fish and shellfish, prestigious goods from other regions of Bohai) and non-food resources (imported goods) were arriving as a result of local, inter-regional and international exchanges. Planning domestic economic activities at home combined with the implementation of necessary public works during the economic year provided a relatively stable functioning of the walled town in the administrative-territorial system of the Bohai state. The town arranged the collection of taxes in households (in manufactured products) towards the central regions of the state and supervised the safety of trade routes.

Keywords: Primorye, Middle Ages, Bohai state (698–926), archaeology, paleoeconomics, home crafts, handicrafts, specialized production, trade and exchange.


Acknowledgements. The author expresses his sincere and deep gratitude for the fruitful cooperation of S.V. Bashtannik, O.V. Bondarenko, V.E. Omelko (Panasenko), E.A. Sergusheva, Sachiko Uchiyama; with gratitude and respect will keep the memory of the passed away colleagues L.N. Besednov, V.A. Rakov, M.D. Ryazantseva, whose works will remain relevant for many decades to come in Far Eastern archeology.

Fundng. This work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation grant no. ¹ 20-18-00081 “Archaeology of Far East Russia” (supervisor N.N. Kradin, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences).


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Accepted: 27.03.2023

Article is published: 15.03.2024


Gelman E.I., Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of Far East Peoples, FEB RAS, Pushkinskaya st., 89, Vladivostok, 690001, Russian Federation, E-mail:,