Landscape and climatic confinement of settlements of peasant-migrants of the late 19th — early 20th century on the territory of the Odessa district of the Omsk oblast  

Moskovchenko D.V., Fedorov R.Yu., Tigeev A.A., Lonsky A.I., Slepchenko S.M.



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The landscape-climatic confinement of villages that were founded in the late 19th — early 20th century by peasant-migrants in the territory of the modern Odessa district of the Omsk oblast has been examined. Trend analysis, which were identified during the integration of remote sensing data, meteorological measurements and ethnographic materials indicate the initial landscape-climatic confinement of settlements and subsequent transformations of the steppe landscapes surrounding them were influenced by a complex of natural and anthropogenic factors. The main factor which influenced the emergence of settlements was the presence of water bodies and, to a lesser extent, forests. In the first decades of the 21th century, an increase in air temperature with a decrease in precipitation increased the dryness of the territory, thereby reducing the duration of the existence of temporary reservoirs until they completely dry out. Anthropogenic factors that influenced the reduction in the number and duration of the existence of temporary lakes include the widespread plowing of steppe landscapes, as a result of which they lost the ability to retain melt and rainwater for a long time. Currently, in connection with the water supply, the importance of confined settlements to temporary lakes began to decline, but aridization leads to the loss of resource, aesthetic and recreational functions of landscapes.

Keywords: peasant migrations, temporary lakes, economic adaptation, south of Western Siberia, forest-steppe.


Funding. The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (No. FWRZ-2021-0006).


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Accepted: 30.05.2024

Article is published: 15.09.2024


Moskovchenko D.V., Tyumen Scientific Centre of SB RAS, 13, Chervishevskiy trakt st., Tyumen, 625008, Russian Federation, E-mail:,

Fedorov R.Yu., Tyumen Scientific Centre of SB RAS, 13, Chervishevskiy trakt st., Tyumen, 625008, Russian Federation, E-mail:,

Tigeev A.A., Tyumen Scientific Centre of SB RAS, 13, Chervishevskiy trakt st., Tyumen, 625008, Russian Federation, E-mail:,

Lonsky A.I., Zhelannoe Museum of History, Culture and Life named after K.M. Sakhan, Lenina st., 22, Zhelannoe, Omsk region, 625008, Russian Federation, E-mail:,

Slepchenko S.M., Tyumen Scientific Centre of SB RAS, 13, Chervishevskiy trakt st., Tyumen, 625008, Russian Federation, E-mail:,