Complexes of the Migration period in the Alekseevka-51a kurgan cemetery (Omsk Irtysh region)
Zelenkov A.S., Korusenko M.A., Gerasimov Yu.V., Zdor M.Yu., Sleptsova A.V.
page 66–80
The article presents the Karym type complexes of the late 4th — 5th c. AD of the Lower Ob cultural and historical community (CHC), discovered in the Omsk Irtysh region near the Alekseevka village (Muromtsevo district of Omsk region). The Alekseevka-51a kurgan cemetery is located within the territory of the Alekseevka archaeological microregion, in the south-eastern outskirts of the Tara-Tuy Plain, on the right bank of the Tara River. The burial ground belongs within the late medieval settlement of Alekseevka-51 discovered in 2004 by M.A. Korusenko. In 2009 and 2010, under the leadership of M.Yu. Zdor and Yu.V. Gerasimov, mounds 12, 13, and 14 with collective and single burials containing figure-stamped pottery of the Karym type, fragments of belt sets and decorations from the Migration period were studied. This article provides their full publication, together with data from palaeoanthropological analysis. As a result, when describing burials and the interred ones, artifact assemblages and pottery, the authors discovered syncretic forest-steppe and taiga features in the burial ritual, as well as distant Eastern European and Trans-Ural similarities to the grave goods. The acquired data will further allow a more detailed determination of the distribution area of the Karym type sites of the Lower Ob CHC, clarification of the chronology, causes and consequences of the migration of taiga groups to the forest-steppe of Western Siberia.
Keywords: Western Siberia, Omsk Irtysh region, Karym type of monuments, burial complexes, Great migration of peoples.
Funding. The work of A.S. Zelenkov (analysis of material, selection of analogies and chronology, illustrations for the article) was prepared under the project of program-targeted financing of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan “History of Northern Kazakhstan from Ancient Times to Modern Times”, No. BR 21882225. The work of A.V. Sleptsova (anthropological definitions, statistics) was completed under state assignment FWRZ-2021-0006. The works of Yu.V. Gerasimov, M.A. Korusenko, M.Yu. Zdor (field and office work, primary processing of material, description of burials and structures, text editing) were completed under state assignment FWZG-2025-0014 “Population of the South of the West Siberian Plain: Sociocultural Dynamics and Cultural Heritage”.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Accepted: 19.12.2024
Article is published: 15.03.2025
Zelenkov A.S., Tyumen State University,
Volodarskogo st., 6, Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation; International science
complex Astana, Kabanbay-batyr Ave., 8, Astana, 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan,
Korusenko M.A., Institute of Archeology and
Ethnography SB RAS, prosp. K. Marksa, 15/1, Omsk, 644023, Russian Federation ,
Gerasimov Yu.V., Institute of Archeology and
Ethnography SB RAS, prosp. K. Marksa, 15/1, Omsk, 644023, Russian Federation,
Zdor M.Yu., Omsk Scientific Center SB RAS,
prosp. K. Marksa, 15/1, Omsk, 644023, Russian Federation, E-mail:,
Sleptsova A.V., Tyumen Scientific Centre of
SB RAS, Chervishevskiy trakt st., 13, Tyumen, 625026, Russian Federation, E-mail:,