Building technologies of the Angara region in the end of the 19th first half of the 20th century based on the oral information of old-timers

Glushenko M.A.




              page 165172




For the study of building technologies, the most valuable material is the oral information of old-timers-carpenters. In the Angara region, quite a lot of such sources have been assembled by ethnographic expeditions since the 1920s. Therefore, for this region it is possible to examine the complete technological range of traditional construction in the late 19th first half of the 20th century. The opinion of the old-timers themselves has been brought about the reason for the change in building technologies, the time of the appearance of new tools and technologies, production standards, as well as about the ways to determine the relative age of buildings based on their design and materials. The oral information on construction techniques systematized in the article suggests that the level of carpentry skill depended more on the abundance of the source base of building materials, and to a lesser extent on the availability of advanced tools. The study also allowed determining a uniform set of construction techniques, the geographical boundaries of which may be wider than the territory under consideration.

Keywords: Angara region, wooden architecture, building culture, craft, carpentry technologies.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Accepted: 19.12.2024

Article is published: 15.03.2025


Glushenko M.A., Bratsk Joint City History Museum of Mastering Angara River, Komsomolskaya st., 38, Bratsk, 665717, Russian Federation, E-mail:,