Anthropology of peasant protest during the years of “revolutionary turning point”
Bezgin V.B., Viazinkin A.Yu.
page 202–210
Based on a wide range of published sources and archival materials, including documents of official record management, newspaper reports and chronicles, a historical and anthropological analysis of the generational factor during the period of the phenomenal peasant protest of the “revolutionary turning point” has been presented. Generational methodology made it possible to conduct historical and anthropological research conside-ring the generational structure of Russian and Soviet society in the first third of the 20th century. The new foreshortening of this research is aimed at identifying conflicts in the legal consciousness of the peasantry in conditions of revolutionary turbulence. Determining the role of children, adolescents and rural youth in various forms of peasant protest made it possible to combine thematic issues of peasant studies, gender studies and historical anthropology. The relationship between the emotional state of the peasantry, generational ties in the village, and the role of the community in organizing the participation of children, adolescents and youth in various forms of protest has been revealed in the context of the tradition of peasant protest in Russia. The article emphasizes that, despite the innovations of revolutionary times, the importance of the community in the “protest” solution of problematic relationships “village — government” remained decisive, and the peasant protest preserved the traditional goals of rural residents — the desire for truth and justice. Specific examples demonstrate the relevance of the proposed historical and anthropological typology of the peasant protests: non-violent protest, local rebellion, and peasant revolution.
Keywords: peasant rebellion, historical anthropology, the generation of the “revolutionary turning point”, rural archaic, generational history.
Funding. The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, grant No. 22-18-00132,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Accepted: 03.10.2024
Article is published: 15.03.2025
Bezgin V.B., Tambov State Technical
University, Sovetskaya st., 106/5, Tambov, 392003, Russian Federation, E-mail:,
Viazinkin A.Yu., Tambov State Technical University, Sovetskaya st., 106/5, Tambov, 392003, Russian Federation, E-mail:,