Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnofrafii Àrchaeology
Stone tools of the Neolithic settlement of Mergen 8 page 5–13 Skochina S.N. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Eneolithic pottery complex of the settlement of Pyakupur 3 (north of Western Siberia) page 14–28 Poshekhonova O.E., Pilkina A.A. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Dubovtseva E.N. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)
Degtyareva A.D. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Kuzminykh S.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Ryabogina N.E., Yuzhanina E.D., Afonin A.S., Yakimov A.S. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Novikov I.K. (Kurgan, Russian Federation)
Zavodoukovskoe 11 — a fortified settlement of the Late Bronze Age of the Trans-Urals page 56–72 Anoshko O.M., Zimina O.Yu., Kostomarova Yu.V. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Pottery vessels from a collective burial in the mound of the Pazyryk Culture (Northern Altai) page 73–84 Tishkin A.A., Bondarenko S.Yu., Mu Ts., Semibratov V.P. (Barnaul, Russian Federation)
Dwellings of the population of the Early Iron Age Baitovo Culture in the Tobol-Ishim forest-steppe page 85–95 Berlina S.V., Tsembalyuk S.I. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Metallurgical groups of non-ferrous metal products of the Baitovo Culture in the settlement of Marai 1 page 96–104 Tigeeva E.V., Tsembalyuk S.I. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Kostomarova Yu.V. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Paleodemography of the Altyn-Asar burial grounds (concerning migrations in the Lower Syrdarya Basin) page 118–131 Mednikova M.B., Chechetkina O.Yu., Petrova K.A., Tarasova A.A. (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Digital Anthropological photography page 132–146 Leibova N.A., Leibov M.B. (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Adaev V.N. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Communal sacrifice in the ritual space of the Eastern Khanty page 157–166 Rud’ A.A. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
“Helmets” of the Ob Ugrians: typology and functions page 167–179 Bogordayeva A.A. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Indigenous peoples of Taimyr: “The right to live on their own land” page 180–188 Perevalova E.V., Kisser T.S. (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Building the Muslim religious structures in the Tobolsk Province in the late 18th — early 20th century page 189–199 Mavlyutova G.Sh. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Glushenko M.A. (Bratsk, Russian Federation), Fedorov R.Yu. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Zharnikov Z.Yu., Myglan V.S. (Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation)
Kozlov A.I., Nikitin I.A. (Moscow, Russian Federation)