Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnofrafii

(3)  2023                                                                               

Vestnik (3) 2023 (full text)




The Lower Ishim Basin in the Sociocultural Space of the Trans-Ural Neolithic (based on data from the Mergen archaeological microregion)  page 5–13

Enshin D.N., Skochina S.N.


Stone-tool assemblage of the Eneolithic settlement of Tolum-1 in the Konda River Basin page 1425

Khramcov M.V., Chairkina N.M., Dubovtseva E.N., Myznikov S.A.



Pro et contra of frontier interpretation of Sintashta antiquities (Bronze Age in the Southern Urals)  page 2635

Epimakhov A.V.


Bone tools for leather processing (blunt knives and curriers knives) in the funeral rite of the Post-Catacomb period as cultural and chronological indicators  page 3649

Mimokhod R.A., Usachuk A.N.


On the lunula stone pendants and their taiga counterparts page 5059

Stefanov V.I., Stefanova N.K., Korochkova O.N.


Morphometric characteristics of the bovine bones from the excavations of the Bronze Age site of Gonur-depe  page 6071

Sataev R.M., Sataeva L.V.


The nature of some Late Bronze Age iron-bearing artefacts of the Ural-Kazakhstan region  page 7287

Ankushev M.N., Alaeva I.P., Ankusheva P.S., Artemyev D.A., Blinov I.A., Varfolomeev V.V., Panteleeva S.E., Petrov F.N.


Zhuravlevo complex of the of Borki 1 hillfort in the Lower Ishim River Basin page 88102

Zakh V.A.


A Êipchak burial of the Menovnoe VII burial ground in the Upper Irtysh River Basin  page 103114

Tkachev A.A., Tkachev Al.Al.





On the status and selectivity of the infant burials of the Yamnaya Archaeological Culture of the Southern Urals (based on the excavation materials of the burial mound No. 1 of the Boldyrevo-4 group)  page 115128

Morgunova N.L., Faizullin A.A., Mustafin H.H., Alborova I.E., Kiseleva D.V., Chechetkina O.Yu., Mednikova M.B.


On the use of collections with unreliably determined sex and age characteristics in model training for sex determination by traits of the standard craniometric program  page 129138

Shirobokov I.G.


The population of the middle course of the Ural River in the Early Iron Age (by the data from the Industrialnaya Zona cemetery) page 139150

Kitov Ye.P.





Adaptation of the traditional culture of subsistence of the Ukrainian peasant-migrants in the south of Western Siberia (late 19th — early 21st century)   page 151159

Fedorov R.Yu.


Russia Germans in the Turkestan Governorate-General: resettlement and economic activity (the last third of the 19th — beginning of the 20th century)  page 160169

Erokhina O.V, Shaidurov V.N.


Modern Pamir house and calendar and astronomical views of the Pamiris  page 170181

Antonova N.A., Dubova N.A., Navruzbekov M.N., Nickiforov M.G.


When the connectivity is lost: infrastructural uncertainty and reaction to it amongst the tundra nomads of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug   page 182192

Istomin K.V.


Modernisation of the historical memory and national identity in the Republic of Kazakhstan: a means of the formation and translation page 193204

Klyuchareva V.V., Korusenko S.N.


Leisure practices of geological explorers of Western Siberia based on the narratives of pioneers (1950s–1960s)  page 205215

Rashevsky V.V.