Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnofrafii

(4)  2023                                                                               

Vestnik (4) 2023 (full text)




Complexes with flat-bottomed pottery from the early 7th millennium BC settlements of the Mergen archaeological microdistrict (the Lower Ishim River basin)  page 5–17

Enshin D.N., Skochina S.N., Ilyushina V.V.


Interdisciplinary research of ash heap sediment near Stepnoye settlement (Chelyabinsk Oblast) page 1838

Kupriyanova E.V., Solomonova M.Yu., Trubitsyna E.D., Kashirskaya N.N., Filimonova M.O., Afonin A.S., Sharapov D.V., Ivanov S.N., Ryabogina N.E.


Technology for the production of sickles and knives of the Petrovka Culture of the Southern Trans-Urals (by the results of metallographic analysis)  page 3952

Degtyareva A.D.


Non-ferrous metal tool complex of the Petrovka Culture of Northern Kazakhstan: morphological and typological characteristics 

Kuzminykh S.V., Degtyareva A.D., Orlovskaya L.B., Vinogradov N.B.


Children’s burials of the Alakul Culture in the Southern Trans-Urals: reconstruction of age groups  page 6876

Berseneva N.A.


Traditions of creating the form and ornamentation of the pottery vessels of the Alakul Culture in the Alakul burial ground (a case study for the burial mounds 1 and 14) page 7795

Ilyushina V.V., Klimova A.D., Novikov I.K.


Main characteristics of burial complexes of Central Kazakhstan in the Late Bronze Age  page 96107

Kukushkin I.A.


Tools for the metal processing of the Alakul population of the foreststeppe Tobol River basin  page 108119

Kostomarova Yu.V. , Sechko E.A.


The ceramic complex of the Transitional Period from the Bronze to the Iron Age of the settlement of Mergen 6 in the Lower Ishim River basin (Western Siberia) page 120133

Zimina O.Yu., Zakh V.A., Skochina S.N.


The burials of the kurgan 2 of the Menovnoe VII burial ground (Eastern Kazakhstan)  page 134148

Tkachev A.A., Tkachev Al.Al.


On the genesis of the bow designs from the “Old Buryat” burials  page 149157

Kharitonov R.M.


Archaeological evidence for Domozhirov's campaign of 1595 at the Nadezhdinka IV burial ground in the Tara-Irtysh basin page 158166

Tataurov S.F.






Results of the analysis of intra-observer and inter-observer discrepancies in the assessment of some non-metric dental traits  

Leybova N.A., Chirkova A.Kh.


Craniological and dental non-metric data on the problem of the interaction between the representatives of the Sargatka and Bolsherechenskaya Cultures of the forest-steppe of the south Western Siberia  page 180191

Kishkurno M.S., Sleptsova A.V.


Results of the archaeoparasitological analysis of soil samples from the necropolis of the 2nd c. AD settlement of Pantikapaion 

Slepchenko S.Ì., Filimonova M.O.





An unknown early 19th c. historical source on the subsistence activities of the population of the Lower Irtysh River basin: analysis of the information potential  page 199209

Adaev V.N., Konev A.Yu.


Deities and spirits in the ideas of the Khanty of the Surgut Ob region (based on materials from 2002 to 2017)  page 210219

Rud’ A.A.


Specifics of settlement and numbers of armoured boyars in the Tobolsk Governorate in the second half of the 19th c.  page 220229

Masharipova A. Kh., Fedorov R.Yu.


The social portrait of the Muslim clergy in the Tobolsk Governate in the 19th — early 20th century  page 230237

Mavlyutova G.Sh.


The influence of natural forces and the ways of adaptation to them by Tobolsk residents in the 17th–19th cc. (by the archaeological and historical evidence)  page 238247

Anoshko O.M.


Religiosity: fomation of the concept and first research in the late 19th — beginning of the 20th century  page 248257

Poplavsky R.O.





Book review: Economic development of the Nadymsky District in the first third of the 20th century page 258262

Liskevich N.A.