On the comb-pit ornamental tradition and periodization of the Neolithic of the Lower Ishim basin page 5–14Zakh V.A. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Ornaments on bone and horn artefacts from the Neolithic complex of the settlement of Mergen 6 page 15–29 Enshin D.N., Skochina S.N. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Using shells in the cult and economic activities of ancient population page 30–37 Serikov Yu.B. (Nizhniy Tagil, Russian Federation)
Vinogradov N.B. (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)
Àkshoky burial ground: a new monument in the system of Andronovo antiquities of Saryarka page 48–56 Kukushkin I.A., Zhusupov D.S., Dmitriev E.A. (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)
Bagashev A.N., Slepchenko S.M., Alekseeva E.A., Sleptsova A.V. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
A comprehensive study of anthropological materials of the Late Eneolithic from the Areni 1 cave page 72–93 KhudaverdyanA.Yu., Gasparyan B.Z. (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia), Pinhasi R. (Dublin, Ireland), Kanayan A.S., Hovanesyan N.À. (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia)
Bravina R.I. (Yakutsk, Russian Federation)
Bjarmian Tropes of Poetry Pioneer — a mythologeme in Finnish Metageography page 106–117 Survo A.À. (Tartu, Estonia)
Chernova I.V. (Omsk, Russian Federation)
Temporary summer dwellings of the Bashkirs of the Inzer River basin in the late 19th — early 21st centuries page 127–136 Khasanova Z.F. (Ufa, Russian Federation)
Shcheglova T.K. (Barnaul, Russian Federation)
Foreign natives: on practices of wearing of a Muslim headscarf in a non-Muslim region of Russia page 146–154 Shisheliakina A.L., Bobrov I.V. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Fragmentation of religious authority in Islam (Tyumen case at the turn of the XXI century) page 155–162 Bobrov I.V., Cherepanov M.S. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)
Rassadnikov A.Yu. (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)