Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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(3)  2020                                                                               

Vestnik (3) 2020 (full text)




Age of the Upper Paleolithic sites in Kapova and Ignatievskaya caves (Southern Ural): revision and interpretations of the radiocarbon dates   page 5–16

Dublyansky Y.V. (Innsbruck, Austria), Shirokov V.N.  (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


Knives of the Petrovka Culture in the Southern Trans-Urals: morphological and typological characteristics  page 1734

Degtyareva A.D. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Ryndina N.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Pottery complex of the Bronze Age burial ground of Kulevchi VI: typology and technical-technological analysis  

page 3547

Ilyushina V.V. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Alaeva I.P., Vinogradov N.B.(Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation)


The metal forging tools of the Late Bronze Age population of the forest-steppe  Tobol River region (experimental-traceological analysis)     page 4860

Kostomarova Yu.V.  (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


Housebuilding of the Itkul Culture population in the subtaiga forest-steppe Trans-Urals  page 6173

Berlina S.V., Zimina O.Yu.  (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


Typology of the medieval axes from the north of Western Siberia    page 7484

Zykov A.P., Koksharov S.F., Maslennikov E.R. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


Technological research into the metal attributes of the Northern Selkup shaman costume of the XVII–XVIII centuries

page 85100

Zinyakov N.M. (Kemerovo, Russian Federation), Poshekhonova O.E. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


The 18th century Tobolsk tiles from the Governor's Palace    page 101109

Danilov P.G. (Tobolsk, Russian Federation)





Rare congenital anomaly among population of the Migration Period (based on excavations in the Eastern Aral region)

page 110119

Mednikova M.B. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


On the differential diagnosis of vertebral ankyloses in paleoanthropological material: an example of the Early Iron Age case from the Lower Kama region   page 120132

Kufterin V.V., Karapetian M.K.  (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Late Bronze Age anthropological materials from the Nepljuevski kurgan cemetery   page 133148

Karapetian M.K., Leybova N.A. (Moscow, Russian Federation), Sharapova S.V. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)





Siberian Tatars of Knyazevs: historical and genealogical essay   page 149158

Korusenko S.N. (Omsk, Russian Federation)


«They drank tea, they struck spoons...»: ethnocultural identity in the tea drinking practices of Russian Siberians
in the 19th
early 20th century
   page 159169

Fursova E.F. (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)


The Teleuts: from non-Russians to Indigenous Minority of the North’   page 170175

Batyanova E.P.  (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Metamorphoses of the Ob-Ugric ethnicity  page 176183

Martynova E.P. (Tula, Russian Federation)


«The way toward oneself»: ethnoscience as a new identity strategy for the Ob Ugrians   page 184190

Pivneva E.A. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Resilience of the Kola North cities in spatial, temporal and anthropological dimensions   page 191200

Burtseva A.V., Sharova E.N. (Murmansk, Russian Federation), Hohmann S. (Paris, France)