Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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   Instructions for authors                                                                                                

By submitting a manuscript for consideration for publication in the Vestnik Arheologii, Antropologii i Etnografii journal, the author (co-authors) thereby confirm their authorship. An author is someone who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the reseach presented in the submitted manuscript, participated in the preparation and critical discussion of the text, provided his or her consent to the publication of the final version of the manuscript and bears full responsibility for all the aspects of the work. Co-authors share full responsibility and accountability for the whole work.

The manuscript is submitted by one of the co-authors, who is designated as the corresponding author. This person is responsible for communication with the Editorial Board during all the publication process stages (submission, reviewing, preparation for publication) and after the article has been published to provide (if necessary) additional information. The corresponding author handles all the correspondence about the article, ensures the compliance of the text with the Journal requirements, guarantees the correctness of the co-authors’ information and their adherence to the Journal ethical code.

All manuscripts submitted to the Vestnik Arheologii, Antropologii i Etnografii journal undergo mandatory testing for plagiarism.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts via e-mail attachment to as an *.rtf or *.doc file (preferably not in *.docx to avoid formatting mistakes). The file containing the manuscript should be saved under the name of the first author. Additional files (figures, illustrative materials, etc.) in the jpg, tif, png, bmp formats (Romanov.rtf, Romanov _ fig1.tif, Romanov _fig2.jpg) are sent along with the manuscript.

Authors are requested to fill in the Author and Publisher Agreement (Public Offer) and send its scanned copy along with the manuscript during its first submission to the Editorial office.


Article volume:

The overall article volume, including the abstract, main text, tables, figures and references should not exceed 1 author’s sheet (40,000 characters with spaces) for the main Journal sections and 0.3 author’s sheet for the “Book reviews” and “Chronicles” sections.  English-language abstracts and References (for manuscipts submitted in Russian) are not counted as part of the whole article volume; however, they should not exceed 10,000 characters with spaces. The maximum number of illustrative materials is 4–5. One figure sized 160×225 mm is considered to be equal to 1/8 author’s sheet. Manuscripts in the length of over than 1 author’s sheet, as well as those not prepared in compliance with the Journal requirements, cannot be accepted for consideration.

The manuscript should contain the following sections.

Note: For manuscripts submitted in English, only English language metadata is required. The editorial team provides assistance to non-Russian authors in translating the article metadata and figure (table) captions from English into Russian.

Affiliaton(s) in Russian

 Name, Second name (Patronymic) abbreviated, Surname (e.g. Egor A. Romanov), ORCID of the author (if the number is not available, then register at the link::

Institution (Place of work). In the case, when the author has multiple affiliations, all of them should be provided.

Institution address: street, building, city, postal code, е-mail.

Telephone number (not for publication).

Title in Russian

Titles should be informative and concise.

Please, use sentence case, which means that only the first letter of the title is capitalized.

Abstract in Russian

A compact, clearly formulated statement of the purpose, main provision and results of  the work in Russian. Volume 1000–1500 characters.

Keywords in Russian

Keywords should disclose the following aspects of the work: region, chronology, subject and special terminology. Keywords should not repeat the title.  When selecting keywords, use specific terms used in the article and those defining the subject area, thus increasing the discoverability of the article.

Article body


General requirements:

МS Word Format

Font size 12, TimesNewRoman, spacing 1

Page numbering

Justified alignment

No tabulation used

One spacing between words

No specific formatting for titles, authors’ affiliations

No word wrapping

No macros


Article structure

The body of the text shold be divided into the following key sections: 

  Introduction (research gap, research goal)

  Objects of research (description of the research objects might be accompanied by a map)

  Method/Мethodology (detail description of novel research approaches or those developed in previous research) 




  Acknowledgements (to colleagues or organizations)


Chronological data
in the text


  When specifying chonological intervals, the lower limit should be given first, e.g. 4000—3000 years ago;

  When using radiocarbon dating, the text should clearly indicate whether the age value is given in radiocarbon years or in its calibrated value. It is recommended that calibrated age values be given along with the indication of radiocarbon dates in brackets. The information about the data source should be provided (e.g. laboratory number);

  Radiocarbon datings obtained by accelerator mass spectrometry should be labelled as AMS;

  The first publication of dates should indicate the material for which the reduced age value was obtained (plant macro-residues, wood, bone collagen, coal, fireplace mass, organic ceramic components, etc.);

  In the case, when the uncalibrated value of the radiocarbon age is given, 14C BP should be indicated after the dating code. (i.e. radiocarbon years ago, calculated relative to 1950) or 14C BC. Radiocarbon dates are given as follows: age value space “±”space deviation value (name and code of the laboratory). For example: AMS 14C for human bone collagen is 3070 ± 40 years ago (Beta-204151);

  In the case, when the calibrated value of the radiocarbon age is given, cal BP or cal BC should be specified after the date code, with the name of the calibration program / database – INTCAL09, CalPal, etc. – being given in round brackets;

  When using the calendar values of the radiocarbon age, the probability estimate (confidence interval) of the calibrated date should be indicated. For example: the calendar age of a coal sample is determing to range from 3480–3570 cal BP (Beta-309153, INTCAL09) with the probability of 1σ (68%);

  In the case, when an article publishes a series of dates or is devoted to a review of chronology, it is appropriate to give the dates in the form of tables (dating material, initial dating in radiocarbon years, calibrated values with both probabilistic intervals (68% and 95%, respectively), the database used for calibration)




The material presented in articles can be illustrated using various graphic images (drawings, schemes, etc.), photographs, graphs and diagrams. All figures should be numbered, according to the order of their appearance in the text (Fig. 1, 2, 3, etc.). Figure captions should contain explanations to all the symbols used, ensuring their correspondence to numbering in the figures, figure captions and text. Positional numbers in the figures are typed in italics. Figures should not be overloaded with text explanations.

Figures should be placed after their first mention in the text. Figure captions should be provided both in Russian and in English. The editorial team provides assistance to non-Russian authors in translating figure captions from English into Russian.

Figures in jpg, tif, png and bmp formats are submitted in separate graphic files along with the manuscropt (in one layer, with grouped objects, with a resolution of more than 300 dpi). It should be noted that figures are presented in colour only in the electronic Journal version; the printed version is published solely in black and white.



Tables should be inserted so they are complete on one page. All tables should have headings and a common numbering in Arabic numerals. Diagonal division of the table cells is not allowed.

Table headings should be provided both in Russian and in English. The editorial team provides assistance to non-Russian authors in translating table headings from English into Russian.




Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page, on which they appear. Footnotes should be numbered consequtively using Arabic numerals. The funding acknowledgement statement (if applicable) should be provided in a footnote to the article title on the first page.

in Russian


The bibliographic list in Russian is given in the alphabetical order, with the papers published in the Cyrillic alphabet being placed first. Documents, archival materials and fieldwork reports are given under the subheading ‘Sources’. The works of the same author are arranged in the chronological order, with those published in the same year being placed in the alphabetical order with the addition of the relevant Latin letters – a, b, c, d, etc. – to the publication year. For works published in recent decades, the publisher and pages should be indicated. In-text references are given in square brackets (e.g. [Derevianko et al., 2000, p. 24; Ancient cultures..., 1994, p. 115; Zdanovich, 1984b; Morozov, 1976]).

In-text references to papers written by a group of authors contain only the name of the first author. In-text references to works by two authors contain both names. In-text references may not contain pages in the case, when the cited work is dedicated to the research problem in general. A text link may not include pages if the work as a whole is dedicated to this issue.

For monographs, paper collections and other non-periodicals, the indication of the publisher is mandatory.

In the case, when the cited publication has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), it should be placed after the full bibliographic reference.


The Russian language reference list should be prepared accoding to the following rules of bibliographic description:


  Анисимов А.Ф. Космогонические представления народов Севера. М.; Л.: Наука, 1966. 243 с.

  Матвеева Н.П., Берлина С.В., Чикунова И.Ю. Комплексное изучение условий жизни древнего населения Западной Сибири. Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН, 2005. 228 с.

  Frachetti M.D. Pastoralist Landscapes and Social Interaction in Bronze Age Eurasia. Berkley, CA: University of California Press, 2008. 315 p.

Note: All the authors should be mentioned. The use of ‘etc.’, ‘et al.’ is unacceptable.  

  Paper collections Note: References cannot be made to a paper collection as a whole book; instead, every article should be cited as a separate source.
  Article from
a paper collection

  Хохлов А.А. О происхождении и дальнейшем развитии физического типа носителей синташтинско-потаповского круга культур // Аркаим-Синташта: Древнее население южного Урала. Челябинск: ЧелГУ, 2010. Ч.2. С. 112–132.

  Stobbe A. Long-term perspective on Holocene environmental changes in the steppe of the Trans-Urals (Russia): Implications for understanding the human activities in the Bronze Age indicated by paleoecological studies // Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Bronze Age Settlements in the Southern Trans-Urals (Russia). Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH, 2013. P. 305–327.

Note: The Editor’s name is not given in the Russian language reference.

  Article from
a journal

  Зах В.А., Скочина С.Н. Каменное сырье комплексов Тоболо-Ишимья // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии. 2010. № 2 (13). С. 4–11.

  Radivojevic M., Rehren T., Pernicka E. On the origins of extractive metallurgy: New evidence from Europe // Journal of Archaeological Science. 2010. № 37. P. 2775–2787. doi: 10.1016/j.crpv.2014.06.004

Note: The full title of the cited journal should be given. Only university names can be abbreviated. 

  Conference proceedings

  Квашнин Ю.Н. К вопросу о личных именах и связанных с ними обычаях // Словцовские чтения — 2000: Тез. докл. и сообщ. науч.-практ. конф. Тюмень, 2000. С. 235–238.

  Matveeva N., Ryabogina N. The impact of climatic fluctuation on culture in the finish of early Iron Age and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Trans-Urals // 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists. Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Istanbul:Archaeology & Art Publications,2014.P. 313–315.

  Reports on archaeological excavations

  Морозов В.М. Отчет об археологических работах, произведенных в Тюменской области в 1975 г. Свердловск, 1976 // Архив ИА РАН. Р-I. № 5278.

(archives, etc.)

  ГУТО ГАТ. Ф. И152. Оп. 42. Д.159.

  Архив ЦУиЭ ЛИК АлтГУ. Ф. 1. Материалы ИЭЭ. Немецкий национальный район, с. Полевое. Функлер А.А., 1916 г.р.

  Electronic resources

  Ancient Japan. Retrieved from  (Accessed 1.10.2014).

  Non-pollen palynomorphs. Retrieved from

  Авилова Л.И. Развитие металлопроизводства в эпоху раннего металла (энеолит – поздний бронзовый век) [Электронный ресурс]: состояние проблемы и перспективы исследований // Вестн. РФФИ. 1997. № 2. URL: (дата обращения: 19.09.2007)

Note: Reference to [Electronic resource], URL and access date is given only for materials without DOI. Electronic publications that have been assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) are described in the same way as print publications.


in Russian

If applicable

Affliliations in English

  Name, Second name (Patronymic) abbreviated, Surname (e.g. Egor A. Romanov)

  Institution (place of work). In the case, when the author has multiple affiliations, all of them are provided.

  Institution address: street, building, city, postal code е-mail



Title in English

The translation of Russian titles into English should not contain any transliterations, except for proper names. Jargonisms familiar to only Russian specialists cannot be used.

Abstract in English


English language abstracts for papers published in Russian should be not shorter than 1000–1500 characters with spaces. Abstracts should be informative, concise and structured. Abstracts briefly repeat the structure of the whole paper, containing information on the research questions posed, methodology used, results obtained and main conclusions drawn. Abstracts should contain a clear indication of the region under study and chronology. 

Keywords in English

If translated from Russian, the keyword list in English should be identical to the Russian list. However, the adequacy in terminology must be ensured (e.g. in terms of chronological descriptions).


References in the Latin alphabet should be provided for papers published both in Russian and in English. This list is extremely important so that all the publications be correctly indexed in the Scopus and WoS databases.

References should not include materials that are not indexed by citation databases, including archival and field research materials, non-published manuscripts, documents and sources without authors or editors).

References in the Latin alphabet are ordered according to the English alphabet.

The Journal applies the APA (American Psychological Association) bibliographic style (5th ed.):

Autor A.A., Autor B.B., Autor C.C. (2005). Title of article. Title of Journal, 20(2), 49-53.


In the case, when the reference is made to publications in other languages than English (e.g. Russian), the author(s)’ name(s) and the title should be transliterated according to Afterwards, minor mistakes can be corrected manually.


The titles of cited articles and monographs should be translated into English. If a cited article is a Russian language publication, its proper translation can be found on the eLIBRARY website. Only in the case, when the official translation is absent, the title of the cited article should be translated into English. The Journal reserves the right to reject papers containing incorrect translation of cited sources.




(print and electronic)


  Chernykh, E.N., Kuzminykh, S.V. (1989). Ancient metallurgy of Northern Eurasia, Moscow: Nauka(Rus).

  Gossett, T.F. (1963). Race:The history of an idea in America. Retrieved from


Book/Paper collection having
an editor

  Popov, V.A. (Ed.) (1993). Early forms of social stratification, Moscow: Vostochnaialiteratura (Rus).

  Leonard, W. R., Crawford, M. H. (Eds.). (2002). Human biology of pastoral populations (2nd ed.). Cambridge, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Note: The editor name(s) are identified in the first place.


Article from a paper collection
or a collective monograph

(where authors
are identified)


  Stobbe, A. (2013). Long-term perspective on Holocene environmental changes in the steppe of the Trans-Urals (Russia): Implications for understanding the human activities in the Bronze Age indicated by paleoecological studies. In R. Krause, L. Koryakova (Ed.), Multidisciplinary Investigations of the Bronze Age Settlements in the Southern Trans-Urals (Russia) (pp. 305-327). Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt GmbH.

  Terekhova, N.N. (1975). Metalworking production at the most ancient farmers of Turkmenistan. Ocherki tekhnologii drevneishikh proizvodstv(pp.4-75), Moscow: Nauka(Rus).

Note: Editors should be identified in edited collections or monographs: In (name) (Ed.)


Articles from
a journal (print
or electronic)

Print edition:

  Kuz'minIa, V., Grebennikov, A.V., Popov, V.K. (2011). Obsidian geology and archaeology. Nauka izpervykh ruk, (4), 112-119 (Rus).

  Engovatova, A.V. (2012). Rescue archaeology in Russia: (On the 40th anniversary of the Department of Rescue Excavation of the Institute of Archaeology RAS). Rossiyskaya arkheologiya, (4), 141-150 (Rus).

Electronic edition without DOI:

  Zakh, V.A., Skochina, S.N. (2010). Stone raw materials from complexes of Tobol and Ishim basin. Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografii, (2), 4–11(Rus). Retrieved from

Edition (print or electronic) with DOI:

  Chaffee,  B. W., Weston, S. J. (2010). Reconstructing paleoenvironments and differentiating the roles of human land-use. Vegetation history and paleoethnobotany, 81(12), 1708-1724. doi: 10.1902/jop.2010.100321

Note:  When transliterating a Russian journal, its issue should be given in brackets. When citing an English-language journal, the bibliographic description used in this journal should be followed, such as Volume (Issue) – 81(12).


Sources (reports, manuscripts)

Are not provided in the Reference list and are not indexed


and electronic resouces

  MacLeod, A. J. (2009). On integer relations between the area and perimeter of Heron triangles. Forum Geometricorum, 9, 41-46. Retrieved from

Note: Only sources having authors are indexed in Scopus and WoS. Therefore, only such sources are included into References.


Note. If there are publications in hieroglyphics in the list of references (for example, in Chinese), the design should be as follows. List of literature in Russian:

Jin Zh. Natural Science Research of Erlitou Bronze and Exploration of Xia Civilization // Cultural relies []. 2000. № 1. P. 56–69. (China).

References list:

Jin, Zh. (2000). Natural Science Research of Erlitou Bronze and Exploration of Xia Civilization. Cultural relies []. (1), 56–69. (China).

The titles of books, articles, collections of articles and journals must be translated into English, the rest of the data - in romanized transcription. For romanized transcription, use the pin-yin converter at the link:

It is impossible to translate into Russian and English from the original language of the name of the place of publication (city) and publishing house.


Please, note that the titles of monographs, paper collections and journals are given in italics.


Article template (for papers published in English)