(8) 2008

Skochina S. N.
Stone implement complexes at sites of the Low Tobol basin
Volkov Ye. N.
Development of early eneolithic cultures of the Tyumen Low Tobol
basin (posing a problem)
Potemkina T. M., Degtyareva A. D.
Metal of the Yam culture in the Low Tobol
Kostomarova Yu. V., Flek. Ye. V.
Metal from Khripuny burial ground
Zakh V. A.
On formation of Baitovo complexes in the Low Tobol basin
Metz F.
On a certain plot in the attic vase painting in the late VIth — early
Vth cc. B.C.
Semyonova V. I.
Plait decorations from burials of Kinyamino burial grounds

Bagashev A. N.,
Poshekhonova O. Ye.
On anthropological composition and genesis
of mediaeval taiga population
from then Middle Ob basin
History and Ethnography
Bakiyeva G. T.
Education reforms with Siberian Tartars in the late XIXth — early
XX cc.
Chumak Ye. G.
Basic measures in stste education policy regarding Norhtern
indigenous population in 1920s–1959s
Mavlyutova Z. Sh.
Renovation movement in the Tyumen area in 1920s
Ilyushina V. V.
On reconstructing a social structure of ancient societies (historiographic
Volzhanina Ye. A.
Influence of ethnically mixed families upon the number of the
Nenets dwelling in Yamal-Nenets
National Region in the late XXth — early XXIst cc.
Povod N. A.
Economic traditions with the Lyapin Komi in the early XXIst c.
Bogordaeva A. A.
Sacrifice clothing with North Khanty in the XXth c.
Alexandrov A. V.
Russian wrestling “using girdles”: genesis, art, terms,
Yermakova Ye. Ye.
Traditional magic-and-medical knowledge: a data collection

Laukhin N. A.
Palaeovegetation and palaeoclimates through
early interstadial of Zyrjanka glaciation in the boreal zone
of West Siberian plain
Yakimov A. S., Ryabogina N. Ye., Ivanov S. N., Demkina T. S., Zimina O. Yu.,
Tsembaluk S. I.
Natural conditions
of the Tura-and-Pyshma interfluve in the Xth–IVth cc. B.C.
