Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnofrafii

(3)  2024                                                                               

Vestnik (3) 2024 (full text)




The results of re-examination of the Neolithic materials from the Ak-Tangi site (northern Tajikistan)  page 5–15

Shnaider S.V., Kasparov À.Ê., Filimonova Ò.G., Markovskii G.I., Baranova S.V., Chernonosov À.À., Koval V.V., Fedorchenko À.Yu.


To the periodisation of the Transitional Period from the Bronze Epoch to Early Iron Age in the lower Ishim River basin  page 1630

Zakh V.A.


An experience of social interpretation of the materials from the pre-Turkic necropolis of Choburak-I (Northern Altai)  page 3141

Seregin N.N., Matrenin S.S.


Hairstyles of the Early Medieval Sogdiana (by the materials of carved wood from Kafirkala)  page 4251

Sultanova Ì.N., Kubaev S.Sh.


Weaponry of the upper Taz River Selkups according to metallographic studies (based on materials from the Kikki-Akki burial ground)  page 5264

Zinyakov N.M., Poshekhonova O.E.


An experience of application of experimental-traceological analysis to ethnographic collections (the example of the ulu-knife of the Alutiiq Eskimos from Kodiak Island)  page 65–76

Terekhina V.V.


On the issue of Christianization of the population of the Taz River Subarctic (by the materials of the burial ground of Num-hibya-siheri VIa)  page 7789

Gyurdzhoyan K.G., Tkachev Al.Al., Tkachev A.A.


Tal I — an archaeological site of the medieval principality of Emder  page 90105

Koksharov S.F., Zykov A.P., Yakovleva E.A.


On the boundaries of “Zhetysu” and “Semirechye” in scholarly works, Kazakh folklore and general fiction  page 106115

Rogozhinskiy A.E., Kaldybayeva G.A.





Paleolithic inhabitants of Denisova Cave  page 116126

Shunkov M.V., Kozlikin M.B.


The impact of aging method on the age-at-death distribution: a case of medieval Staraya Ladoga skeletal sample  page 127138

Shirobokov I.G., Pavlova M.S.





The economy of the population of the Surgut Ob basin in the beginning of the 19th century through the eyes of a private zemsky commissar page 139150

Konev A.Yu., Adaev V.N.


Food of the Siberian Tatars in the ethno-cultural processes of the 17th–18th centuries (by the materials of the culture of the Tomsk group of Tatars)  page 151161

Tomilov N.A.


Landscape and climatic confinement of settlements of peasant-migrants of the late 19th — early 20th century on the territory of the Odessa district of the Omsk oblast  page 162172

Moskovchenko D.V., Fedorov R.Yu., Tigeev A.A., Lonsky A.I., Slepchenko S.M.


Modern ethno-cultural differentiation of the territory of the Altai Republic  page 173187

Dirin D.A., Shiyan P.A., Gudkovskikh M.V.


Dynamics of the educational level of Udmurt women in the 1920s–1980s: main trends and results  page 188196

Uvarov S.N., Chernysheva N.V.


Mikhail Konstantinovich Sidorov through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants: to the bicentenary of the entrepreneur, philanthropist and “zealot of the North”  page 197208

Agapov M.G.


Practices of the formation of historical consciousness in the veteran and student social movement of Altai Krai in the 1960s–1980s  

Shcheglova T.K.