(4) 2013

Zakh V.A.
Time history of
settling on the territory of forest Tobol-and-Ishim basin in Holocene
Kuzminykh S.V., Degtyareva A.D., Denisov V.P.
Metal working of the Garino culture from the Upper
and Middle Kama basin (on the evidence of analytical study)
Panteleyeva S.Ye.
Complex of
the Sintashta pottery from the fortified settlement of Kamenny Ambar: a typological analyisis
Kostomarova Yu.V.
and industrial activity of the Fyodorovo population from the Low Tobol basin (basing on comprehensive analysis of the implements)
Rafikova T.N., Berlina S.V., Kajdalov A.I., Sechko Ye.A.
Fortifications of the early and developed
Middle Ages in the forest-steppe and sub-taiga Trans Urals
Dubovtseva Ye.N.
Ornamental traditions of Ural-West
Siberian region (an experience of experimental modeling)
Buzhilova A.P.,
Batsevich V.A.,
Berdiyeva A.Yu.,
Zorina D.Yu.,
Yasina O.V.
Rating of interrelation between morphological features and
concentration of microelements with modern representatives of the Arctic
adaptive type
Pererva Ye.V.
Paleopathology: from the experience of foreign and domestic
studies to the history of studying ancient people in the Low Volga basin
Khudaverdyan A.Yu., Devedjan S.G., Yeganyan L.G.
Methods of treating
dead bodies at the sites of Shirakavan and Lory Berd
(Armenia) (after paleoanthropological data)
Ushnitsky V.V.
Ethnonyms of sakha and yakut: historiography and ethnogenetic
Volzhanina Ye.A.
Influence of localities upon traditional nomadic routes of
the Yamal Nenetz in the first third of XX c.
M.L., Kabakova N.V., Korusenko S.N.
The dozor book of 1701 from the Tara
as an ethnographical source of the peoples from the Tara Irtysh basin
Kolomiyets O.P.
The initial data from the Circumpolar census as an ethnographical source in
a traditional culture of the native peoples of the Russian North-East
Tatarnikova A.I.
What does a «non-Russian» smell?: A sanitary-and-hygienic culture of the
aboriginal population from Tobolsk province in the second half of the XIX c.
(according to Siberian press data)
Agapov M.G., Korandej F.S.
University intellectual communities: interactive rites and assembly models
Borisov A.V.,
Peters S., Chernyshova Ye.V.,
Korobov L.S.,
Reinhold S.
Chemical and
microbiological properties of cultural layers with regard to settlements of the
Koban culture (XIII–IX cc.
BC) in the vicinity of Kislovodsk
Sergusheva Ye.A.
Dynamics of
in the late Neolithic of Primorye according to archaebotanical data
Fyodorova N.V.
Controversial questions regarding historical ecology of the population from West
Siberian North.
A review. Historical ecology of the population from West Siberian North /
G.P. Vizgalov [et al.]; ed. by P.A. Kosintsev
