Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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(2)  2011                                                                                



Serikov Yu.B., Skochina S.N. Ñertain aspects of repeated use of arrowheads from the cave sanctuary on Dyrovaty Stone (the Chousovaya river)


Potemkina Ò.Ì. Megalithic constructions of the Urals: structure of the sacral space


Êîrenyako V.À., Kouzminykh S.V. Nataliya l. Chlenova: the essay of academic biography


Yepimakhov À.V., Chuyev N.I. The Abashevo and Sintashta antiquities: preliminary results of spatial analysis


Chechushkov I.V. Ñhariots from Eurasian steppes of Bronze Age


Tigeyeva Ye.V. Manufacturing technology of metal articles from Chistolebyazhye burial place


Berlina S.V., Kostomarova Yu.V., Kostomarov V.M. Àrchitectural features with the Cherkaskul population from forest-steppe Low Tobol basin (basing on data from Chripunovo 1 non-fortified settlement)


Umerenkova Î.V. În studying the worldview of ancient societies (by the example of Bronze Age ornaments from West Siberia)


Tsembal’uk S.I., Ilyushina V.V., Ryabogina N.Ye., Ivanov S.N. Àn integrated study of the Baitovo fortified settlement of Borovuska 2 (forest-steppe Low Tobol basin)


Vorobyeva S.L. Grivnas of the Kara-Abyz population of Early Iron Age (on the matter of their typology and origin)


Matveyev À.V., Anoshko O.M., Siryushova N.F. Old porcelaine and faience from a cultural layer of Tobolsk




Aksyanova G.A. Manifestation of sex dimorphism in the anthropological look of North Eurasian peoples


Vershubskaya G.G., Kozlov À.I. Long-term changes of body dimensions with newborn children and their mothers in Siberia and Russian European North


Poshekhonova Î.Ye. On medieval paleoanthropology of south taiga Low Irtysh basin (basing on the data from burial ground of IX–XVIII cc. on the territory of Krasnoyarsk archaeological complex)


Ethnography and ethnic history


Fedorova Ye.G. Clothing of spirits and clothing accessories of the Ob’ Ugrian peoples in collections of Museum of anthropology and ethnography named after Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) of Russian academy of sciences


Korusenko S.N., Tomilov N.A. Siberian Tartars in XVIII — early XX c.: migration, number and social structure


Korusenko M.A., Diyanovà À.Ì. Traditional worldview of the Barabino Tartars in the second third of XX — early XXI c.: notions on spirits the masters of the developed space


Lysenko Yu.À. Orthodoxy and Islam: practice of ethnoconfessional communication by the example of the Russians and Kazakhs from the upper part of the Low Irtysh basin (XIX — early XX c.)


Yabyshtayev Ò.S. Êöê börü game as a sociocultural symbol of self-identification with Altai people


Ivanov À.Ñ. Êàlmyks in West Siberia (1944–1956): details of socialization in a special exile colony


Volzhanina Ye.À. Population and reindeer breeding in Yamal according to census of 1932–1933


Shishelyakina À.L. Visual representations in the national press: experience of «reading» photos




Êîsintsev P.À., Plasteyeva N.À. Horse (Equus (Equus) sp.) and man in Late Neopleistocene of the Urals


Kaliyeva S.S., Logvin V.N. Some details on problem of domestication of the horse from Tersek and Botajsk sites