Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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(1)  2016                                                                       




Period of Yaz-II: stages and chronology  page 5–18

Sverchkov L.M. (Tashkent, Uzbekistan), Boroffka N. (Berlin, Deutschland)


Ceramics satyginskii type of the settlement Nizhnee ozero III  page 19–31

Chairkina N.M., Dubovtceva E.N. (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


Archaeological data on obsidian exchange in Northern Mesopotamia in IVIII mill. BC.  page 32–43

Ibragimova E.R. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Andronovo settlement Shlyapovo in the Upper Ob   page 44–54

Kiriushin Iu.F., Grushin S.P., Leontieva D.S. (Barnaul, Russian Federation)


About results of research of the dwelling of nomads of the developed Middle Ages of Kuznetsk depression  page 55–65

Ilyushin A.M., Onischenko S.S. (Kemerovo, Russian Federation)


Society structure of early medieval Turks in Altai-Sayan region (on materials of funeral complexes)  page 66–77

Seregin N.N. (Barnaul, Russian Federation)





Paleoanthropology of the Upper Palaeolithic population of Laos (on materials of site Tam Hang)  page 78–90

Vasilyev S.V., Borutskaya S.B. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Palaeopathology of sub-adults from Gonur-Depe (Turkmenistan) page 91–100

Kufterin V.V. (Ufa, Russian Federation)


Bioarchaeological approaches to study on traces of artificial of influence on the skull (on the example of populations Bronze Age and Early Iron Age from the Armenia)  page 101–112

Khudaverdyan A.Yu. (Yerevan, Republic of Armenia)





Aba tös the bear fetish in traditional beliefs and ritual practices of the Khakass (end of XIX mid XX century) 

page 113–122

Burnakov V.A., Tsydenova D.T. (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)


Semantics of an ornament of an embroidery of the North Russian headdress from funds of the State museum reserve «Tsaritsyno»  page 123–132

Soldatenkova D.V. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


The Nenets navigation techniques: using the help of reindeer and dogs  page 133–141

Adaev V.N. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


The avatars of Yermak: monuments and historical memory  page 142–150

Agapov M.G. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)





Radiocarbon dating modern state, problem, prospects of development and use in archaeology  page 151–164

Zazovskaya E.P. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Freshwater reservoir effects in the Eurasian Steppe zone and their influence on the radiocarbon ages of bone sample

page 165–173

Svyatko S.V. (Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK)