(3) 2013

N.B., Degtyareva A.D., Kuz’minykh S.V.
Metallurgy and metalwork in the life of inhabitants from a
fortified settlement of Ustje 1
Tigeyeva Ye.V.
A chemical-and-metallurgical description regarding metal of the
Alakul culture from the Middle Low Tobol basin
Zimina O.Yu.,
Ilyushina V.V.
Pottery of the Barkhatovo culture from the subtaiga Low Tobol
Zakh V.A.,
Tsembal’uk S.I.
Complexes of the Early Iron Age and Early Middle Ages regarding a
fortified settlement of Kalachik 1 in the Low Tobol basin
Matveeva N.P.,
Kobeleva L.S.
On the question of the
initial components of the Early Middle Ages cultural genesis regarding
forest-and-steppe Trans Urals (following pottery investigation data)
Berlina S.V.,
Kostomarov V.M., Popov N.A.
Fortified settlements of
the forest Tobol-and-Ishim basin in the Bronze Age — Middle Ages (an
experience of classification and analysis using GIS)
Seregin N.N.
Children’s burial places with the Early Middle AgesTurks from
Altai-and-Sayans region
Tur S.S.
A biomechanical approach to studying physical activity among
ancient pastoralists from the forest-and-steppe Altai
Kirichenko D.A.
Hungarian Sarmatians following anthropological data
Solodovnikov K.N., Rykun M.P., Loman V.G.
Craniological data of the Bronze Age from Kazakhstan
A ritual sling with Verkhny Paren’ Koryaks as an attribute of
shaman vestment
Adayev V.N.
History of Ugansk Khanty at the Demyanka river in 1970–2000:
development of an ethnoterritorial group
Bajduzh M.I., Liskevich N.A., Masharipova A.Kh.
Traditional notions on a domovoi with Komi from the south of West
Bakieva G.T.,
Kvashnin Yu.N.
The Low Volga Tartars in West Siberia: particulars of migration
and ethnocultural development
Tsareva Ye.G.
carpet as a historical source: on the history of development regarding artistic
look and structural features of a Turkmen carpet of XVI
early XX century
Kluyeva V.P.
Religion in the last
Soviet decade: memoirs of the Tyumen Christians about the 1980th
Ryabogina N.Ye.,
Borisov A.V., Ivanov S.N., Zanina O.G., Savitsky N.M.
Environmental conditions in the south of
Central Russian Upland in Khazar time (IX–X
